Carlmont Giving Week Monty And Teacher
Carlos Flores, new to the math department this school year

Why Donate Early in the School Year? 

Have you been wondering what the rush is to secure funds for the 2024-25 school year? Because more than 80% of CAF funds go towards teachers and staff at Carlmont. Budgeting for and hiring the best candidates for these positions requires advance preparation by the Carlmont administration team months ahead of the start of school.

Hiring Educators Happens in the Spring

Spring is hiring season for educators across the country. The sooner Carlmont knows how many teachers it needs – and can fund – the sooner our administration can start recruiting. Therefore, an early funding commitment from CAF helps Carlmont hire the best candidates

CAF Funding Affects the Master Schedule 

In a few months, Carlmont students will be submitting their course requests for next year. Those course requests drive a master schedule of classes. When the administrative team has more reliable information about the class sections they can offer as they begin to build their master schedule, they have fewer moving pieces lingering until the last minute.

We hope that convinces you to donate early! Perhaps you’ve maxed out your employer match for 2023 and would like to donate later in the school year? If so, make a plan and pledge your donation now so we can count on those funds and plan accordingly.

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